Regolis is a new generation of self-propelled train wagons designed by the manufacturer Alstom.
This new generation of single-level train, articulated and a having low-floor section, will make its debut on the French rail net in 2013 and will mainly be used in TER (Regional Transport Express) routes.
As of now, more than 164 wagons have already been ordered by the SCNF and its regions, but this number should increase over the upcoming years.
REGIOLIS commuter train : two on-board systems developed by CLEARSY
More than a mere modern wagon, the new Regiolis trains strive to bring innovative solutions in terms of user accessibility, ergonomics, and comfort. In this framework, CLEARSY signed a framework contract to develop two on-board systems that will be integrated into the new wagons.
SAS : Train doors audio announcement system (embeded)
An announcement system making it possible to inform passengers in real time of the progress of their journey (approaching stations, time of arrival…).
The announcement system developed by CLEARSY is a system on board the train which is interfaced on a bus system with the door control system and which, under its command and control, allows pre-recorded sounds to be broadcast to give various relevant types of notification such as the opening or closing of the doors, or warnings.
GAPS/UP2S : Platform detection, gap filler control
Onboard electronic safety system for detecting the platform. This system, linked to an onboard mobile step, makes access to trains easier for persons with reduced mobility, by placing a retractable step on platforms which are not straight. It complies with Order in Council STI PMR (Persons with reduced mobility).
Its purpose is to measure the distance between the platform and the train and to send this measurement to the mobile step, as well as to authorise its deployment (SIL2 Certifer). This mobile step fills the gap between the train and the platform and gives access to mobile disabled persons.
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