Components : Railway

Network of safe data communication modules (SIL4 inputs) Electronics, Railway

To eliminate expensive cables along the track, the natural solution is to use a computer network. But to collect SIL4 […]

CLEARSY Safety Platform’s Starter kit for industry Railway

To start with industrial CLEARSY Safety Plateform In its certified industrial version, the CLEARSY Safety Platform is available as a […]


The Vital latching interface system RS4.B.24.0.24 is a latching relay used in Railway wayside applications where an operator command will […]

Baseline 3 ETCS DMI and Programable generic SIL2 platform Railway

This DMI (Display Machine Interface) is a HMI platform 10.4’’ which provides SIL2 display, interaction and computation. It is available […]

Dispositif anti-chute
fall protection device Railway

Its principle is to prevent the intrusion of people into the gap by putting a physical obstacle between the platform and the dangerous zone in the lower gap.

RS4.DIN.304.24V SIL4 safety relay Nuclear-energy, Railway

The 304 safety relay features 3 NO contacts SIL4-guaranteed to open and 4 NC contacts. RS4 safety relays feature Normally […]

RS4.DIN.202.24V SIL4 safety relay Nuclear-energy, Railway

The 202 vital relay features 2 NO contacts SIL4-guaranteed to open and 2 NC contacts. RS4 safety relays feature Normally […]

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