Our high performance data/events logger and analyzer product called DAME which is a software middleware especially designed.
Our high performance data/events logger and analyzer product called DAME which is a software middleware specially designed to:
- Log all data or events generated by all sorts of complex systems thanks to direct connections established with them in an extensible and modular plug-in framework (injectors to process event-basis or polling data)
- Provide a lot of archiving possibility (remote or local) thanks to files data which are filled in real-time with data that changed in the supervised system (the DAME has suitable means to transfer the stored data to an external device or to a central database for deeper analysis)
- Provide a very powerful processing and analysis engine that is able to calculate warnings or alarms through a lot of configuration files easily editable (text based) thanks to correlation with all the data kept in memory
- Keep all warnings or alarms in a single memory-based database that can be used to build an HMI to present alarms/status for the operators in a friendly way
- Insert all alarms or status inside a non-volatile database management system (DBMS) like PostgreSQL to better manage data and propose them in a friendly way to the users thanks to a dedicated HMI
Technical description
The DAME sub-system has been developped to run under a standard Linux OS and has been designed to be scalable and modular with a plug-in approach to adapt itself to a lot of different systems in connection and all sorts of data (designed to be technology and sector-neutral, modular and flexibly expandable). The injectors I/O managers are particularly powerful.
The specific architecture of our product brings a real capacity to be modular and especially capable of being extended without disrupting service or in minimizing it. This flexibility and scalability is given by a trigger based event manager that monitors changes and initiates actions for integration or workflow as defined by the data model.
All the data model are kept in memory and the propagation of new data changes is optimized to minimize the time consumed and maximize the global performance (for example, it can be used to watch an average of 20 thousand variables if connected to a PLC with the management of several hundred of alarms. It is currently in operation in the RATP/Paris).
Human-machine interface (HMI)
The default HMI is web-based oriented with innovative technology like HTML/DHTML/AJAX (based under the couple Apache+PHP5) to give to the user the best experience and to allow the HMI to be reachable in multiple instances in several locations of a network at the same time.
In the following example you can see the HMI used to monitor the equipments of a PSD system:
An XML file format eases the building of complex systems with identified part of the architecture (equipments) that can be put in highlight linked with a specific alarm or warning. Everything, inside the HMI, can be changed via some parameters files (text based).
By selecting an equipment the HMI gives more detailed view of a technical box or of a cubicle:
All equipments that appear in green can be checked. They appear in another color in case of warning or alarm.
Integration with Third Party Sub-systems
The DAME system integrates:
- an OPC server to be easily managed by Third Party sub-systems and provides opportunities for future expansion or interoperability (with SCADA systems for example). Since our product is Linux based, the OPC-DA server should be XML oriented (and not based on the Microsoft DCOM technology).
- a Modbus server to provide data to Third Party sub-systems without the cost of the OPC server.
The DAME product is a good tool to follow a lot of indicators that can be used to build alarms. These indicators are not limited in quantity and can be recorded from a lot of different devices. The most used are those from the programmable logic controllers family (PLC from Siemens with an existing injector or the others one via the Modbus protocol), the SNMP equipments or even serial oriented (RS232/422 or 485 devices).
User authorization levels
The HMI proposed can be differentiated based on operator authorization level and gives a convenient complete visibility of historical logs as well as current health status of the PSGS.
The feature allowing to enable or disable audible or visible warnings to alert the operator in the vicinity of the HMI is already built-in and is provided at no additional cost (it is possible to switch off audible warnings if needed). A specific HMI dedicated to the DBMS database will be provided to allow operators to consult and sort data:
This HMI is part of the DAME product and will be adapted to the current data model.
Additional tools
Additionally, several graphical tools (Windows, Linux) are provided to analyze or convert archive files in a convenient way (LogConverter, LogAnalyzer and DameMonitor).
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